
Posts Tagged ‘time’

Time is Flying By…

Time is flying by. How fast this year has gone by, I can’t even believe it. I still remember my last birthday just like it happened a few days ago. And already, the next one has come and gone. Just like that, my time is ticking, and each breath I take is taking me closer and closer to my death. Time is not going to pause for me. When my time to go will come, I will go without informing anyone.

That makes me think, what have I prepared for that day? Some people think that after death, they will go to heaven. But my question is how can you just get there without doing anything? It’s like having a farm. Can you just purchase land and expect crops to grow and sell and money to just come to your pocket like that? You need to work day and night for months and months, and then after time you will have success. Just like that, how can we expect to go to heaven without doing anything for it? How can we live our lives, be unaware of our God and expect to get to heaven without any questions asked? It can’t be as simple as that. And on the other hand there are people that don’t believe anything will happen after death. Then think why you are here. Look at everything around you, every single thing has a purpose. The sun, the moon, the trees, the mountains, the rain, the bee, everything has a reason to be here. Then can humans be without purpose? There has to be a reason for us to be here, it can’t be as simple as that….

As these questions come into your mind, you think of where to find answers. It’s quite simple actually. The answers are all around you; even in you…just recognize them. Look at the clouds; notice the beauty and the perfection. Look at the trees, notice how each leaf is different than each other one. Look at the people around you, notice how no two persons are exactly the same. There has to be some creator to all this. There must be someone so great, so perfect, and so powerful to create all this. Notice how the sun and the moon follow their course without any delay. Notice how each flower blooms so perfectly in its beautiful way. Notice these signs. They all point to the greatness and oneness of God. Question yourself, question your belief. Find peace in your heart, fine ease in your mind.

Time is flying by, time is flying by. Find out reality now, find out before it’s too late. Wouldn’t you rather know what lies ahead of you rather than finding it all as a surprise? Don’t think you have time; don’t think you’ll turn to God when you’re old. Your soul might never reach that day, you never know. Day by day, youth pass away. How do you know your turn isn’t next?

Wake up to reality, smell the coffee. Time is running out, days are going by, return to your Lord. Recognize Him, talk to Him, and befriend Him. When everyone leaves your side, He is always there for you, waiting for you to turn back. Turn back to him today, turn back to him now. After all, time is flying by…

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Sunk into thoughts

As I read the Qur’an and see my sisters around me, I notice those that have been through a serious life and death situation, or done a major sin they greatly regret, or someone close to them passed away, they get affected by the Qur’an a lot more than one who has not gone through that. They keep referring back to that incident, that situation and take lessons from it. They realize the Qur’an, the Qur’an hits them. I would always get upset, why doesn’t the Qur’an hit me like that? Why didn’t I ever do anything bad that I could be affected by the Qur’an like that? Why didn’t any death around me affect me? When will the Qur’an touch me like that? I kept on asking Allah, please make the Qur’an touch my heart; make my heart tremble when I hear it, let me feel it. Alhamdulillah Allah answered my du’a.

This long weekend we went on a picnic. All us hostel girls went canoeing. I got onto the canoe with 2 other girls. We started paddling and wanted to go to every beautiful part of the lake. I was the one who wanted to adventure a lot more than the other girls and pushed them to have fun. We saw this tree and I wanted to go into that side and see it. We started paddling towards the tree and as we approached, I had second thoughts. Instead of paddling forward I tried to stop the canoe since we were going right into the tree branches.

The next thing I knew I opened my eyes and I was under water. It didn’t even take a split second. I remember looking up and seeing green water and light. The only thing I could think was I need air. I got back up on top of the water and tried to grab the tree branches but couldn’t and again sank into the water. Again I came up and grab anything I could. I got a hold of a branch but still sank into the water again. I started coughing and just wanted to breathe. My contacts moved and I couldn’t see clearly. I just remember the 2 other girls screaming for help and blowing the whistle. Alhamdulillah we were on the shallow side and we realized we could stand in the water. We held onto the boat and waited for someone to come and save us.

After this incident all I could think was Allah saved me. I could’ve just drowned right now, it could’ve been my time to go, but Allah gave me another chance. Instead of me coming home that day, I could have been taken to my grave. Was I really prepared? Did I think of Allah at that moment? What was going through my mind at that second? All I remember thinking was I need air; I need to get out of here. Allah was not even on my mind. Was Allah on my mind at all that day? That’s when I realized I never read my du’as that day. If I did pass away, what guarantee did I have to Jannah? What protection can I expect from Allah if I never remembered Him?

I also realized how in the end you are always alone. We three girls were together, and yet we were still alone. When we fell into the water, none of us turned to each other for help; none of us helped each other at that moment. We were only thinking of ourselves. We come in this life alone, and that’s how we’ll leave. No one will be able to help us, no one will save us. No lifeguard, no friend, no family, no boat, nothing can save you from death. When it’s your time to go, you’ll go. Nothing can stop you from facing death.

This is when I realized the importance of life, importance of my du’a, importance of my actions. I’m glad Allah taught me this lesson, the hard way, but taught me a lesson I won’t forget for the rest of my life, inshaAllah.

All it takes is one second, for your life to turn upside down…

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Two weeks without Al Huda, what a waste of my life. Dunya (world) may taste very sweet, but it leaves such a bitter after taste. But I didn’t realize this until I was on my flight back to Canada, out of my journey from dunya. I wish it didn’t take me that long to realize this, all my time wouldn’t have gone to waste. But the way I realized all this made me be certain that my thoughts have definitely changed from before.

During my whole flight I just there, watched a movie, studied a little, and counted down the time I would reach Canada. When the captain announced our initial descend, I realized I didn’t make any dua. So I began making dua and thinking about my family and slowly the plane slanted to the side and I could see the world under me. Toronto looked so beautiful I couldn’t believe it. Slowly the plane leveled off and I could see the sky. It was close to Maghrib time, so the sun was about to go down soon. Seeing the skies extend all over the horizon amazed me. I have traveled many times before and seen the earth and sky, but never like this. This time it felt as if I had never seen the skies and earth. Looking at how beautiful these creations were made me think how beautiful the creator must be. Seeing how huge the world was made me think how huge the creator must be.

I could feel tears filling up in my eyes. It reminded me of the time we were learning about Rabbul Alameen in Surah Fatihah. To help us digest who a Rabb is, we were shown a presentation of how huge the creations are and how insignificant we are. We are absolutely nothing compared to the other creations, while we think of ourselves as so high. Then I started to remember how all these days had gone to waste, how all these days I was disconnected from Allah. How could I even do tha I wondered? Allah who has given me so much, who has created this beautiful world, who is SO powerful and strong, how can I disobey Him? I couldn’t understand how I managed to let two weeks fly by.

As I think back to those two weeks, I realize how we ruin ourselves by wasting our time. We waste our lives doing the same routine, everyday have the same goals, have the same schedule. But the Qur’an changes you so much. Everyday you wake up to a new goal, to a new idea. You never want to give up.

These two weeks made me realize how poisonous dunya is. Once the poison’s in you, you need to suck it out. But other times you need to take precautions and protect yourself from it.

Don’t let dunya get to you. In the end it only deceives you, it only betrays you…

…that’s all it ever did for me.


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